Ulkomaille muutaa vuosittain yli 8000 suomalaista. Lähtösyitä ei eritellä, mutta yleensä muutetaan joko töiden, opiskelun tai rakkauden perässä. Useimmat haluavat palata takaisin Suomeen jossakin vaiheessa, ainakin joksikin aikaa. Myös Suomeen muuttavien ulkomaalaisten määrä lisääntyy, koska tietyillä sektoreilla on työvoimapula. Sekä maailmalle lähtevät suomalaiset että tänne tulevat ulkomaalaiset tarvitsevat tukea, jotta asettautuminen uuteen kulttuuriin ja aikanaan takaisin kotimaahan sujuisivat mahdollisimman hyvin.
“Coming back home was much more difficult than going abroad. You expect changes when going overseas. When I came back, nobody was interested in my experiences or me. I was an alien in my home country.”
Repatriation is often considered to be comparatively easier than expatriation; it involves returning from a foreign country to the home country. However, repatriation is often more difficult than moving abroad. Repatriation problems surprise returnees. When going overseas, families generally expect new and unfamiliar situations, but they don’t expect anything unfamiliar and stressful when returning home. They expect to slip back into their previous organizations, jobs, and lifestyles. People themselves change while on assignment, the company has changed and the home-country has changed. How much depends on the duration of the assignment, differences between the home and host country, your personality and your expectations when returning.
Professional repatriation is often more difficult than personal repatriation. Employees expect their international assignment to be seen as a promotion in their career; yet they return to discover that, at best, it has had a neutral effect. The returnee must also confront readjustment to the organizational culture in the home country.
Returning from an international assignment is more difficult for spouses. Employees face repatriation challenges at work, they are however employed and, as a result, have some built-in structural and social support. Teens typically have more difficulties in readjusting and fitting in with friends and school than younger children do.
(Source "Expat Guide to Finland- author Marja Saviaro)
We hope you have enjoyed you stay in Finland and will come back some day. When you are leaving Finland, there are many practical and legal matters to be taken care of in Finland and your home country before you leave; lease contract, banks, Kela, tax office, day cares/schools, police etc.
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