Ulkomaille muutaa vuosittain yli 8000 suomalaista. Lähtösyitä ei eritellä, mutta yleensä muutetaan joko töiden, opiskelun tai rakkauden perässä. Useimmat haluavat palata takaisin Suomeen jossakin vaiheessa, ainakin joksikin aikaa. Myös Suomeen muuttavien ulkomaalaisten määrä lisääntyy, koska tietyillä sektoreilla on työvoimapula. Sekä maailmalle lähtevät suomalaiset että tänne tulevat ulkomaalaiset tarvitsevat tukea, jotta asettautuminen uuteen kulttuuriin ja aikanaan takaisin kotimaahan sujuisivat mahdollisimman hyvin.
One of the main reasons for a failed international assignment is due to spouse and family adjustment difficulties. The person with the job has a ready-made role in the new culture and is insulated from the day-to-day difficulties of running a household and the responsibility of getting the children settled in. This may be challenging for a spouse. Many spouses feel isolated, cut off from all that is familiar in their lives. Working hours for the employees are long in many countries or require travel, leaving the spouse alone. Being cut off from family and friends and often faced with poor communication with the outside world further contribute to a sense of loneliness. An inability to speak the local language makes formerly routine matters seem difficult.
The spouse often leaves a career behind. This can be positive if the spouse has strong interests outside work or wants to engage in further studies or voluntary work. If this is not the case and the assignment interrupts a partner’s career development, having a different lifestyle and more time to oneself and the family may not be enough. Successful international adaptation depends on whether the accompanying spouse is willing to move, can find an equivalent job or will accept the fact that he/she will not be working during the assignment.
Are you moving to Finland as a spouse and would like to know about working in Finland? Or do you prefer to stay at home or study in Finland. Our spouse support programme is designed to enable trailing spouses to explore the options and opportunities that a relocation to Finland has to offer.
The counselling is covering the following areas:
Career counselling
- Advice and preparation of CV tailored to the Finnish market
- Research on market trends and information from the special sector
- Advice and assistance in preparing for the job intervies
- Advice on press and internet portals specializing in job postings
- Information and introduction to networking opportunities
- Information about career options, training and development.
If you want to stay at home or study
- information about relevant networking and expatriate associations in Finland
- introduction to language and further education options
- voluntary work
- daily life in Finland
Individual sessions can be arranges of specific areas, such as updating the CV or preparing for the job interviews.
We can offer one-to one sessions, online training or workshops.
More information
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